Sunday, December 12, 2010

An Ode to Faith

In faith I sought the answer.
Like a lamppost wrapped in a December's fog
I found solitude and smiles in a passing crowd.
My pen found its orange dusk,
My soul but smiled.

In faith i sought the answer,
It colored the white clouds above.
So I walk on finding contentment in beauty 
and mercy in the shadows.
Love leaves its notes with the kisses in my dreams.
While hope and I slumber in a grave in Moscow.

In faith I sought the answer.
My answer was a truth
Yours a bigger cause.
So like an unfaithful lover I'm given to silence.
Now I walk on, find me when humanity is done,
I would've found the answer then.

And if you must seek me,
seek me in the silence.
Dear faith among the daggers of a clown,
I found the sword of a brother,
May we have each other in the world across our time.

As a Vagabond

As a vagabond i shall walk to you.
Supreme is thy name , I come seeking to believe in you.
For fallen from a nest into the abyss
is a soul that didn't find refuge in silence or love.
The wind and time walked beside me all along,
today i find them chattering in dark corners with daggers in their hands.
I often find myself enjoying the luxuries of the truth,
laying under a bridge talking to the rats in the tongue of hunger.
I speak and I don't like what my tongue conjures,
i see white bearded men talking and listening of wisdom,
Sire when i see them my soul hammers itself against the walls of my heart,
I listen to them preaching tricks of life,
all under thy name.
O my soul is not a blessed one ,
my sins tell me that
yet i love laying with the rats talking about a freshly dead dog around the block.
Today I wish to leave it all and walk ,
walk away from the bazzars 
walk away from the hermit
and preachers and all who never knew what i knew.
And walk through the night jasmine
telling my tales to swaying trees
confessing my sins to the harsh sun
i shall walk for a fool would run,
Thy truths are my soul's love
and i dont wish to leave.
Yet my lord,
I am a man with a soul,
tell me not the secrets of angels.
Now, just let me rest my head upon your shoulder
for my journey was long.
from sorrow i learnt your beautiful secrets.
from thy curses i learnt love.
Now my feet hurt and my heart smiles
while my soul rests in thine.
now just throw me in some flames
lets me watch my sins burn with my bones.

Off the knees

Throw me off my knees.
tear me apart,
from a stomach so full.
Beat me the mundane to muddle
Let me wake up later
where the mice all live.
Feed me nothing but thirst.
Let me be awake as i swim across the sewer.
Throw me off my knees.
Have me ride a caravan 
to the under-life .
Selling stained quilts 
to cons imprisoned in self.
Have me begging a harlot's love.
Have me live where a breath taken
is a bet lost by a raven.
And when i'm tired and old 
throw me in an ice lake ,
and when i'm done
throw me to the dogs.
Throw me off my knees ,
and watch me kiss the lights.

The last

O swearing sailors, O solitude's sighs, O dearest of love
here is a tale that has happened and happens now 
he walked through the narrow alleys of the bazaars 
he had his food with the thieves,
washed his sins in the rivers of time,
dried his griefs in the winds of solitude.
Yet a morning serves a stone in his platter.

Then the winds didn't stop by
and time rattled on.
The stars were shy 
and love was a thing too cheap.
Wisdom didn't take his thoughts to the ball
and minions swept the symphonies off the walls.

Then the fall brought a winters call
silence answered the world in a pause
And this poet leaves his ink today,
off to a world where silence is all
And he sees in a lady young,
the charm that the infant earth had once,
an anger and smile which shall make the ravens all so wise.

In Some Fall

I take the blizzards in my stride 

and refuse to take the roofs of birds.

I know who you are,you made the sun.

O I sit with beggars in my dreams,

the nights hear our laughter.

I was buried once,

I walked the havens with the sole pallbearer in some fall.

Now it asks,"was it worth it at all?"

O sire misunderstand me not for its an orphanage of dreams

My soul lives in the blue flower growing next to a grave.

I wish I could make you believe the cold 

is where the souls shall make merry.

The hole in the boat, is a laugh

for the oceans are all yours, the skies,part mine.

I'm a dreamer sire,all i do is wish.

I hope you walk through those havens again

with someone who shall not walk way.

I smile not for I'm brave,O I'm a dreamer .

There are many more winds i wish to sing to,

one such as you though may not pass.

Cherry orchards

I lay on the ground,
the little radio man is singing.
Smiling like a content man's corpse.
I've fallen off the music playing,
into the locust filled cherry orchards. 
O what you wrote , what you wrote!

The wind then taps on my window,
and then the rain.
O we sit sharing a beautiful 
thing drenched in pain.
The winds coming from the horizon 
sit next to me,
O dear sit and tell me what i wish to hear.

The calmness hammers on the pounding heart.
O sire my world comes crashing down.
The cuckoo finds her children aren't hers,
the skies find what they shower isn't theirs,
And i find this breath,was all mine.
O What you wrote , what i did !

Then the wisdom prevails
the heart bounces back.
The songs of a railway station, 
and what you wrote.
The folk of the wise-land kiss my hand
and I leave with a smile for you and all.
Some samber and a song for your happy journey.
Tonight I'll sing all my melodies again 
For a soul shouldn't walk on thin rope.

O Junbug

O Junbug come along
Bring along the nights of poetry,
the skies of wisdom.
Flaunt your wings and sit next to me.
Our favorite spot,
the cliffs on orange horizons
and the worlds beyond not.

O Junbug bring me the winds
which carry our universe across their miles.
Our smiles across their mundaneness.
The wisdom of the balcony,
The children of dreams,the sons of sorrow.
O junbug bring me the winds
For i think my skies have gone,
fallen in the oceans 
and been charred to death.

O Junbug , O Junbug come along,
O for the poet is now dead
the strings, they are all still.
O Junbug !
but sire my Junbug is gone.

The wild thing

The ones lost in the dews on the grass,
or the grays of the skies, listen close.
Tame not the souls which run for the beauty, 
tame not the skies which govern the schools of imaginations.

O for there is a man sleeping outside the Sunbeam
He is time's best masterpiece , gray beard and the long stick.
he sleeps at night outside the hotel of the bloated,
of the sons who could afford dreams.

He was sleeping in the corner, in the cold.
He sees no winters moor, he sees no message in the stars.
I walk up to him thinking he is in need of money,
woken from his sleep he folds his hands and signals me to leave.

I look at him for i know not what else to do,
and he is off, to his own world.
A Stick a blanket and no slavery from buck or bread,
Then the words of Lawrence come rushing in,

"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself"

O the ones lost in dews,
Beauty is misery's sweet song
walk the wars , walk the woods
and as you walk , just sing along.

Question no more

The lantern sways as the winds pass by,

the darker skies give you the scents of the world of the sacred meaning.

Then the wind dies down, the sun kills the moment.

Worldly affairs, the dreams and the heartaches

The moment or the world?

Repulsion turns to anger and then to redemption.

"Son, the visions cost money to materialize ,

Find a job, earn and be good"

What do i do for the lantern sways and winds,they all sing.

I cant just smile anymore ,

can you see ur heart is still beating,

like the bats' running from the lights.

It rains and yet you all sit inside your homes, staring. 

higher sanity or insanity is still the tongue of fools

Lost in the woods , i look up at the stars.

Then i could see , i could see

Take this world , Take it down

Fools of society , O fools of society 
laugh not ,cause we all can smile together.
Dancing streams of joy , singing bonfires of love
Hop on our shoulders, we'll carry you home.

Heroes , O heroes of fools 
Pity me not ,cause, pity pities us all .
My courage aint the trade of your subjects
but the dreams of our fathers.

Saints , O saints of sewer 
pour no more greed in thy coffers, for the gold overflows.
Lets tread barefoot, past the sands of scorpions,
for poisons don't kill our souls. 

Sons of ego, O sons of ego
hate not the ones you love, for the ones you love recede.
Your arrows of rage, your stones of loathing,
warm the fires and hold the dams of a village that hopes.

Gods of society , O gods of society
I bow my flabber in front of you.
Love us, for our prayers to mercy
pardon your blunders.

Friends, O lovers
Argue not over my funny walk 
believe in the dream and walk along .